Borderline Personality Disorder

  • How can I explain Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)?
  • It’s like you’re on a nonstop roller coaster of emotions with no way of getting off. My emotions can change without warning or for any reason at all.
  • One emotion individuals with BPD may display is anger. When our anger gets out of hand and inappropriate for the situation it’s called “borderline rage.” It’s deemed inappropriate because the intensity of the anger is more intense than what is called for. It could be a small argument amongst friends and an individual with BPD could blow up and scream. On the inside – at least from my perspective – it can feel like a volcano is building up and up; finally exploding.
  • What can trigger these episodes varies from person to person. Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that sets someone off. Or a bunch of little events could pile on each other and it could be too much for your brain to handle at one time.
  • So what can we do to prevent or decrease the chances of a rage episode?

    One thing I cannot stress enough is find professional help. Look for a therapist, counselor, or whatever. If you talk about what’s on your mind on a regular basis there’s less of a chance for things to pile up.

    Why do I talk about Borderline Personality Disorder?

    I was diagnosed with BPD Spring of 2018. I had no idea what it was, how I met the criteria, and what would be in store with the rage episodes and emotional roller coaster ride. I don’t want others to feel the same way I did.

    I am open to any and all questions about my Borderline Personality Disorder.

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