How To: Battle Your Inner Demons

Arm yourselves not with guns but, with positive attitudes. Gather any thought, phrase, word you can imagine that revolves around happiness, bliss, and peace. Anytime your demons come out to play, use those statements as ammo. For example, some of my demons are my voices. I’ll keep track of positive, uplifting phrases that my loved …

Leave The Negative Energy On The Mat

When you think of yoga what comes to mind? Relaxation? Deep breathing? Stretching? According to the American Osteopathic Association, yoga can be beneficial for many different reasons such as Increased flexibility Increased muscle strength and tone Improved respiration energy and vitality Cardio and circulatory health Weight reduction Balancing a healthy metabolism Improved athletic performance Protection …

Counteract That Negativity

If you’re like me and struggle with negative self-talk, then stayed tuned. Like I have mentioned in a previous post, I have 5 voices. They include depression, anorexia, anxiety, suicide, and self-harm. But, you know one way I make these voices stop yelling? I start saying positive affirmations about myself. I have dedicated a three-ring …

How to: Deal With Things That Only You Hear

How do you explain to others that you hear something which is not there at all? Hearing voices that others don’t hear can be frightening. They can yell at you, order you around, call you names, etc. I’m writing this post from experience. I hear voices on a daily basis. I name my voices in …

Just Try Harder

“Can’t you be more like _____?” “That’s not good enough” “You can’t do _____” “You’ll never be able to _____” “Try harder” Has someone ever told you these before? That you’re not good enough or you’ll never amount to anything? It’s hard when someone tells you these statements as the demons in your head are …

Breakdowns Are Okay

Have you heard of the stereotype that crying is weak or not “manly?” Well, guess what? It’s wrong. Crying is a release. It lets all those built-up emotions and thoughts just pour out. After I have a really bad breakdown I feel exhausted. So I’ll fall asleep to calming music, usually 98.5 KTIS. It’s a …

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